


Restatement Second of Contracts Definition

The Restatement Second of Contracts is a legal doctrine that provides guidance on the interpretation and enforcement of contracts. It is a set of rules and principles that courts use to determine the rights and obligations of parties in a contract.

The Restatement Second of Contracts was first published in 1979 by the American Law Institute (ALI). It is an updated version of the original Restatement of Contracts, which was published in 1932. The second edition includes new provisions and revisions to existing ones based on changes in the law and evolving legal practices.

One of the key provisions in the Restatement Second of Contracts is the definition of a contract. According to the Restatement, a contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates a legal obligation to do or not do something. This agreement can be oral or written, and can be express or implied.

The Restatement also defines the elements of a valid contract. These include offer, acceptance, consideration, and mutual assent. An offer is a proposal made by one party to another, while acceptance is the act of agreeing to the proposal. Consideration is something of value that is exchanged between the parties, and mutual assent is the agreement between the parties on the terms of the contract.

In addition to defining the elements of a valid contract, the Restatement provides guidance on the interpretation and enforcement of contracts. For example, it sets out rules for determining the meaning of contract terms, as well as the circumstances under which a contract can be modified or terminated.

Another important feature of the Restatement Second of Contracts is its treatment of remedies for breach of contract. The Restatement provides guidance on the types of damages that can be awarded in a breach of contract case, as well as the circumstances under which specific performance or injunctive relief may be granted.

Overall, the Restatement Second of Contracts is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the drafting, interpretation, or enforcement of contracts. Its clear and concise language, backed by decades of legal precedent and practice, provides a solid foundation for understanding the rights and obligations of parties in a contract.

